#tantekedited /existing-rel-values (+231) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */ add rel=webmention, since it has a specification, and implementations" (view diff)
#tantekshaners, well done. you've provoked the editor of the JSONLD spec into writing a very childish blog post that beyond trying to argue your points, succumbs to plenty of baseless attacks
#aaronpklol I like how the counterargument to shaners point about machine readable data formats changing every couple years is "At no point has any core designer of JSON-LD claimed 1) that JSON-LD will “solve our problems” (or even your particular problem), 2) that it won’t change, and 3) that it will be supported forever."
#tantekaaronpk - indeed, that reads like a lengthy admission of shaners's point
#tantekshaners, welcome to the you've-been-mocked-by-a-prominent-semweb-person club
#aaronpkLOL "There have been no new Microformats released in the last 5 years" and "the mailing list traffic has been almost non-existent for around 5 years"
#aaronpkperhaps there should be an email update posted to the list directing people off of email and suggesting using IRC and the wiki
#tantekaaronpk - maybe we could get an automated posting once a year or something :)
#tantekI mean, it's not like there haven't been well attended presentations, talks, on microformats in the past year, with video on youtube of all the advances ;)
#Hixieis it just another serialisation format for RDF?
#Hixiebasically a JSON vocabulary for describing RDF quads, the way that RDFa is an XHTML extension vocabulary for describing quads and the way RDF-XML is an XML vocabulary for describing quads and the way n3 and turtle are dedicated syntaxes for describing quads?
eschnou, shaners, tealmage and romainneutron joined the channel
#bretthat was one of the pieces of criticism in the JSON-LD rebuttal article
#tantekI don't know of any support yet - there's no definitive proof either way until either someone see something working (positive result), or a search engine representative makes an official statement of non-support.
#tantekhah - as if search engines index JSONLD or any JSON at all. hilarious.
#tantekwhat we do know is that as specific microformats are adopted and published, search engine support increases over time
#tantekit's what happens when people ignore and/or make fun of your technology for so long (RDF)
#tantekpeople get defensive and/or exaggerate to compensate
#tantekthe semweb crowd are known for making exaggerated and misleading claims (e.g. claiming that FB OGP is "RDFa", and then later redefining RDFa to include an "og:" default prefix)
#danbri"I had a few hours on Christmas morning to do some experimenting and planning. It looks like there's an opportunity for us to add to the MCF standard. It also looks like it's happening, so it's time to jump on the bandwagon and start digging..."
#tantekdanbri - critiquing winer does nothing to remove criticism of behaviors by semweb folks
#tantek"they do it too" or "he did it first" are never a defense
#tantekthe semweb stuff has been ugly politically for quite some time
#tantekdanbri - indeed, have also seen statements like "microdata is simpler than microformats" - without any evidence substantiating it (examples etc.)
#tantekschema-org claims to be about unifying existing disparate/divergent conversations/vocabularies, but even where there is existing convergence/communities (vCard/VCARDDAV, activities/ActivityStreams), schema-org still decides to fork/reinvent.
#danbrithere are ways in which schema.org is closer to microformats than most earlier RDF work - e.g. caring more about publisher simplicity (whether or not that is achieved is another matter)
#tantekbret - you asked for CC0, Guha, claimed they already do CC-BY which is more liberal (which is actually not true). my guess is he's just not familiar with CC0 (presuming ignorance in this case rather than malevolence)
#danbriand there are ways in which microformats-2 moved closer to things RDF long cared about, like a common entity/property/value data model beyond the markup
#tantekCC0 is where modern standards licensing is at. it used to be CC-BY a few years ago.
#tantekdanbri - well, arguably closer to microdata than RDF
#tantekand we're (re)learning the property vs. rel problem too
#tantekbret - you made a particularly poignant statement about how long it took you to rip out microdata vs. add microformats2 earlier - was that in IRC or on your site?
#bretAnd yes, its fair to count the community help I received as part of the the ease of adoption
#tantekedited /microformats2 (+200) "/* v2 vocab to-do */ analyze how well microformats2 satisfies the use-cases used to design/create microdata" (view diff)
#danbriif I make some microformats2 hacking time, it'll more likely be with parser code and content from others' sites
#tantekdanbri if you change your Twitter link on your danbri.org home page to use https you should have enough setup to use danbri.org with IndieAuth (and thus login to the #indiewebcamp wiki)