#tantekalso - do you have tools to test these guidelines?
#tantekif you could link to them - that would be useful!
#erlehmannwell, you can of course render your embedded postscript you fetched via ajax in a web worker thread and display it on the go – but that is no longer uncomplicated.
#erlehmanni actually planned to write some, for my own pages. i did not.
#tanteki mean even simple stuff like transfer size - counting
#erlehmannsorry. signal to noise is very low. small. low signal, high noise.
#shanerserlehmann: wrt mf2 parsers outputting json: one of the big benefits is that lotsa programming languages can output json. so we use it as a way to confirm that all of our mf2 parsers are doing the same thing.
#aaronpkhey erlehmann, reading the post now too. lots of good advice there for sure
#erlehmanni only met one guy who told me the reason is that he needed money, because he had debts
#erlehmannfinancial debt. so his blog is full of advertising.
#erlehmanntantek, take any newspaper web site and measure signal to noise ratio. or take twitter, 1,5MB or so of assets to display 140 characters.
#erlehmannthere must be something behind that that goes beyond “just use jquery”. these sites are not all built buy inexperienced people with overpowered hardware.
#Loqierlehmann meant to say: there must be something behind that that goes beyond “just use jquery”. these sites are not all built by inexperienced people with overpowered hardware.
#shanersuse case: sort this table to show me all the irc folks in/near my timezone
#tantekyeah. I'm fixing data inconsistency first (which led to the sorting error)
#tantekedited /irc-people (+150) "add ??? and parenthesize those who put their full names but not their IRC nicknames" (view diff)
#erlehmanntantek, have a description for tabular data that does not present well as a table?
#tantekerlhemann, usually when it presents better as prose (with prose spacing), rather than columnar spacing (large spaces that interrupt horizontal reading flow).
#erlehmann> The bookmark keyword gives a permalink for the nearest ancestor article element of the linking element in question, or of the section the linking element is most closely associated with, if there are no ancestor article elements.
#erlehmann> For a and area elements, the author keyword indicates that the referenced document provides further information about the author of the nearest article element ancestor of the element defining the hyperlink, if there is one, or of the page as a whole, otherwise.
#erlehmanni cannot use e-content because i have no content-wrapping stuff
#erlehmannthe insides of the article element is the content
#tantekedited /Template:irc_user (-58) "dropping hcard markup because this simple wiki template syntax doesn't afford any clues to precise semantics. need something field based (like on WP)." (view diff)
#tantekerlehmann - you don't need full social profile
#erlehmannand u-url is already covered by rel=bookmark
#tantekjust a name, image with alt as name, or even hyperlinked is fine
#tantekif you want to use h-entry you must use u-url
#erlehmanntantek, the only thing that my web site does not provide machine readably currently is that the time displayed is the time at which the article was published
#tantekerlehmann - you can use hAtom if you wish, there are other consumers of hAtom, and the microformats2 parsing spec has back-compat notes for a few existing vocabularies.
#tantekhAtom is basically frozen (except for any odd bug fixes people come up with)
#shanerserlehmann: why don't you want to use classes?
#tantekh-entry is where modern semantic post markup is being developed
#erlehmanntantek, i find the implicit scoping of rel values way easier than the class thingy.
#tantekerlehmann - then you're definitely an exception
#erlehmannshaners, i already have <article> – why should i add a class?
#shanersbc my parser doesn't know or care what container element you use for an h-entry
#erlehmanntantek, i want to write less verbose pages with the same information.
#tantektypical authors find it easier to just use class, for the object (h-entry), for content (e-content), for permalinks (u-url u-uid)
#shanersyou could, for example, make an <li class="h-entry">
#tantekerlehmann - HTML5 doesn't have everything you need for Atom semantics - that got dropped a while ago.
#tantekso if you want to do entries, you'll have to add things
#tantekand once you do that, it's simpler to "just" use h-entry
#tantekrather than mixing things across approaches
#tantekbut like I said, you have the option to "just" use hAtom as well if that's your preference
#Hixieshaners: boo, you shouldn't ignore the semantics of the elements :-)
#erlehmanni want it to be easy to consume. so i'll go html5 spec first and then look elsewhere
#erlehmanntantek, i'll just use what the spec says about publication date and see how it goes.
#shanerserlehmann: the html5 spec and mf2 are not mutually exclusive
#Hixiethinks erlehmann is about to be disappointed, unfortunately
#erlehmannshaners, no, but i don't need mf2 for hipster news, apparently.
#tantekerlehmann, if you want it be easy to consume, then you should focus on h-entry - which is what the parsers are primarily consuming for indieweb purposes
#tantekof course your markup should be valid HTML5 so that browsers do the right thing :)
#Hixie(the html spec uses "a fictional microdata vocabulary based on the Atom vocabulary" in one example, and schema.org in the other two)
#shanerserlehmann: i'm not sure anymore what you're trying to accomplish
#tantekHixie, perhaps one of the two schema examples should use h-entry instead to show even more diversity of approaches
#Hixiei don't think h-entry really existed back when these examples were written, but yeah, feel free to file a bug with some sample code and i'll try to add it
#erlehmannshaners, easy authoring, easy parsing. h-entry looks complicated to me, compared to ”žscope to nearest article element and use link relations“
#Hixieerlehmann: at the risk of restarting the conversation from the top, what are you trying to do, at a high level? :-)
#erlehmanni want to make the content more accessible. but i found that the only thing that is missing is that the article publication date is denoted assuch
#erlehmann(source code of the blog software can be downloaded at the bottom of the page)
#Hixiethat seems like a solution. what's the high-level problem you're trying to solve?
#Loqigives erlehmann a crawler to be able to infer the semantics of the document
samkottler joined the channel
#erlehmanni want the content to be accessible for a broadest range of users this includes users with diminished sensor or computational capability.
#Loqigives erlehmann the content to be accessible for a broadest range of users this includes users with diminished sensor or computational capability
#tantekedited /h-entry (+328) "/* What about rel bookmark */ note rel typically document scoped, and rel=bookmark special casing is not particularly author-friendly for understanding rel values in general" (view diff)
#erlehmannhixie, i have thought about the issue and now think that linking to a feed of the content actually achieves this already.
#Hixieerlehmann: what makes you think the content is not already accessible by everyone?
#erlehmannnothing, it was just an idea. ex falso quodlibet.
#erlehmannthank you for your socratic questioning.
#erlehmannHixie, something completely different, what does distinguish <title> and the top-most <h1> element?
#Hixie<title> is what ends up in the bookmark if you bookmark the page, in the back button menu or history menu if you navigate to another page, and what ends up in the window caption
#Hixie<title> is the text that appears on the index card in the library card index. <h1> is what appears on the book cover.
#erlehmannso <title> is supposedt to be more descriptive, summary-like?
#Hixieyeah. the html spec discusses this some, i think.
#Hixie"The title element represents the document's title or name. Authors should use titles that identify their documents even when they are used out of context, for example in a user's history or bookmarks, or in search results. The document's title is often different from its first heading, since the first heading does not have to stand alone when taken out of context."
#tantekerlehmann, if these kinds of detailed HTML5 semantics questions and accessibility interest you, I recommend lurking in #whatwg as well. A lot to learn from watching what goes by there.
#tantekok - I see - think I mostly updated the template to work ok
#tantekwell we'll see how this works - I'm a bit unconvinced by the addition of two more fields (makes the template just that much harder to figure out for new people adding themselves)