#gjonesI like the solution because the type is implied by the structure rather than through a naming conversion on the properties, seems a better fit to the current JSON design
#gjonesThe last bit you added about class="p-content e-content" will be a real pain. Processing rule like this meaning holding the type of each property found in memory and post processing to remove duplicates.
#tantekadded some mediawiki headings markup to the etherpad to hopefully make it easier to navigate (and eventually copy to the wiki and maintain structure)
#tantekgjones - should it produce a duplicate instead?
#gjonesbarnabywalters quick question, when you parse http://tantek.com/ how come your parse does not show one h-feed inside another h-feed?
#gjonesthere is hfeed on the body and a h-feed on the ol within the body
#barnabywaltersI don’t convert old classnames to new ones by default
#barnabywaltersI’ve actually seen this problem arise a few times — people add mf2 markup, and then add legacy markup in a completely different place
#barnabywaltersin at least one example it was because of the advice tantek gave in a talk to put mf2 markup in your page and then add a legacy classname to the body element
#gjonesThats it then, I think tantek needs to move the class together on to one element
#barnabywaltersthe other thing I was considering doing to try to avoid such problems was to detect whether or not there is any mf2 markup, and if there is never perform conversion
#tantekedited /h-entry (+592) "add p-location re-use from h-event, drop p-geo p-latitude p-longitude p-altitude as no one has ever used them directly inside an h-entry nor hentry. use nested h-geo on a p-location instead. add FAQs." (view diff)
#tantekedited /h-event (-248) "drop p-geo p-latitude p-longitude p-altitude as no one has ever used them directly inside an h-event nor vevent. use nested h-geo inside p-location instead." (view diff)