#microformats 2013-10-23

2013-10-23 UTC
barnabywalters, tantek, Soopaman, Soopaman1, KevinMarks, tobyink and pfefferle joined the channel
hCard — формат, предназначенный для публикации контактной информации http://www.step-up-web.ru/hcard/
jgay, Soopaman, tobyink, adactio, barnabywalters, singpolyma, TallTed, eschnou and nicolasr joined the channel
Hi. Just wondering if might be useful to use microformats/microdatas... in the context of an intranet/extranet ?
AskMP joined the channel
RT @thehcard: @YourNovelCom So glad to have you support our Military! See you ad soon tomorrow on Military Discounts by hCard mobile app
KevinMarks, tantek, Soopaman, jfranusic, tobyink and jgay joined the channel
@macapagyal sounds so yum!! My hcard & I need to have a dare hahah