#microformats 2013-11-11

2013-11-11 UTC
tantek, KevinMarks and krijnh joined the channel
STU St executve metng dmands Stop CID Enqury on 2009 promtivs Reliv Trnsfrd bt nt relive IR.50% amend HCards GO.174 Strike Salary imediately
tobyink, netweb, pfefferle and adactio joined the channel
aaronpk, pfefferle, barnabywalters, tobyink, encolpe, TallTed, brianloveswords, tantek and jgay joined the channel
@fxbodin une #signature HTML intégrant le #microformat hcard: https://github.com/edouard-lopez/signature (si le logiciels supporte HTML)
termie and tobyink joined the channel
@edouard_lopez Merci pour ce partage utile. Je n'ai pas abordé le format hCard dans mon billet par souci de ne pas compliquer.
tobyink, shaners, tantek, bret, gavinc and barnabywalters joined the channel