#microformats 2013-11-21

2013-11-21 UTC
tantek, gavinc, KevinMarks, brianloveswords, tantek_ and barnabywalters joined the channel
charl joined the channel
pfefferle joined the channel
Our own @dave_ashworth has done a blog post on why your hReviews will longer appear on your homepage. Worth a read! http://www.returnondigital.com/blog/why-is-hreview-no-longer-appearing-for-my-home-page
pfefferle and KevinMarks joined the channel
TallTed, tobyink, brianloveswords, jgay and tantek joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
@cubicgarden ..by linking hreview or rdf reviews to people (FOAF or whatever - I'm not very linked-data-literate)?
KevinMarks, sophiap, tobyink and JohnBeales joined the channel
edited /html5 (+532) "/* data attributes */ add example of when data-* attribute may be ok - site-specific library/API hooks"
(view diff)
just for you barnabywalters - HTH :)
tobyink and tantek joined the channel