#microformats 2013-11-24

2013-11-24 UTC
tantek, Atamido, KevinMarks, eschnou, barnabywalters and brianloveswords joined the channel
Hahaha wah jangan hutang atuh ,, debitcard bro haha :D"@baguspribaddi: @wendimaulana credit hcard. hahaha."
eschnou and jalbertbowdenii joined the channel
whaddup freenode? schema is contemplating supporting description(s) of public civic services http://www.w3.org/wiki/images/0/03/Services_for_schema.org_%28DRAFT_2013-06-27%29.pdf
as a civic hacker, that interests me, although aside from github repos, i'm not really sure what to use it for except telling everyone and everybot how awesome i am and my codes are. and english of mine, even more! regardless, is there an attempt to do this in microformats?
hrmm not sure
jalbertbowdenii not that I know of or see but hang around and maybe someone else will know
jalbertbowdenii what are you trying to do?
eschnou joined the channel
bret: idk exactly. but whatever schema can do, microformats can do better. so i guess mimic similar functionality with microformats?
basically we could take that entire schema doc, flip it into microformats, then go roll them into cfa repos
cfa is code for america...mb
LOL think of all the repo faux glory you'll get for forking code and adding attributes to markup. this is going to be fun.
bret: or is that the wrong approach? i'm sure mf doesn't have to mimic everything schema does, but in this case i'd like to see the implementation. or help with it. naturally i'm completely biased
I'm not really sure what to do. I'm fairly new to MF myself
I get a strong impression that just inventing every vocabulay possible (like schema) isn't the MF way, and typically the first questiong that gets asked here is "what are you trying to do?"
machine readable data is helpful to search engines, clearly as that document describes... would adding it to this data be helpful elsewhere?
a common MF2 use has been to turn blog permalinks into light APIs for cross site conversation context IE http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2013/11/09/3/karaoke
jalbertbowdenii i would stick around and see if someone with more experience developing a vocabulary has anything to offer
nice. you could use the dom as your api with mf1 too. i'm not new to mf, but i haven't dabbled in mf2 yet.
i agree with you about matching schema tit for tat, but i think there's validity here. open data hasn't even begun to take off. hopefully open gov will come around. i really see this as being great for connecting other civic hackers
i want to say there was another schema similar a few years back...i think it was doap description of a project...always wondered why github didn't implement it, or something similar
tantek joined the channel