#ChiefRA!tell tantek Hey. The old behavior of Loqi to drop everything happening on the website on this channel was good, can you setup Loqi to drop all tha info but on a secondary channel like #mf-back
#ChiefRA!tell tantek that will prevent spamming on the #microformats but will keep us informed of what's going on the website in real-time like before.
#barnabywalterseven Facebook is apparently ignoring open graph metadata now
#eluxopengraph and twitter-card so add meta to the <head> of a document.. so not semantics layered ontop of content, but it does add semantics on the document
#eluxbarnabywalters: that is what they use to make a shared link look have a richer ui in their stream
#eluxim just recently looking into this stuff.. so i could be all wrong here
#barnabywaltersand there are some indieweb publishing/blogging tools which have deeply ingrained microformats support e.g. http://idno.co
#barnabywaltersas well as some wordpress plugins and themes which help get microformats in pages, and also to parse them off other sites for indieweb comments
#barnabywaltersbut it’d be great to see more authoring tools built
#barnabywalterselux: have you tried publishing or consuming microformats? I’d be interested to hear feedback based on real world experience or problems
#Loqitantek: ChiefRA left you a message 5 hours, 24 minutes ago: Hey. The old behavior of Loqi to drop everything happening on the website on this channel was good, can you setup Loqi to drop all tha info but on a secondary channel like #mf-back
#Loqitantek: ChiefRA left you a message 5 hours, 23 minutes ago: that will prevent spamming on the #microformats but will keep us informed of what's going on the website in real-time like before.