#microformats 2014-02-11

2014-02-11 UTC
ChiefRA joined the channel
TODAY STU Mtng on at PCNGHS at 3.30pm.Discussn on 398 notnls Hcards, LP&PETS upgrdtn Rtrmnt age 60 yrs PRC GUEST: YUVASREE MURALI. STU,NGRI
krijnhoetmer, Hixie, globbot, tantek, eschnou and pfefferle joined the channel
dvirsky, dvirsky_, eschnou, pfefferle, barnabywalters, krijnhoetmer, TallTed, waterbaby999 and tantek joined the channel
how to fix the Error: Missing required field "updated". Error: Missing required hCard "author" in blogger http://asktomtoday.blogspot.com/2014/02/how-to-fix-error-missing-required-field.html
jschweinsberg, elux, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
eschnou, iwaim___, charl, barnabywalters, dvirsky and dvirsky_ joined the channel
tantek and barnabywalters joined the channel
looked possibly of interest
!tell jalbertbowdenii microdata was end-of-lifed by W3C by publishing it as a "W3C Note". In practice microdata is just a Google SEO thing, which you can use microformats for instead (less work and less code). microformats specs are on the microformats wiki - that's correct.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next