#microformats 2014-03-11

2014-03-11 UTC
tantek joined the channel
edited /rel-payment (+150) "/* Tools that currently support RelPayment */ Firefox rel-payment addon"
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edited /rel-payment (+79) "/* Tools that currently support RelPayment */ rename Implementations per spec conventions"
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ivc\zz, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, krendil, tantek, joeysim, eschnou, philipashlock, chiui, dvirsky, adactio, barnabywalters, encolpe, netweb, TallTed, caseorganic, jschweinsberg, zluyka, elux, dimerka, mko, JonathanNeal, ivc, danielfilho, bret, Atamido, hober, edsu, iwaim____, rknLA, krijnhoetmer_, ChiefRA, reidab, Garbee, brianloveswords, termie, lmjabreu, delcoyote, xxtjaxx, ChanServ, Hixie and twisted` joined the channel
philipashlock joined the channel