#microformats 2014-03-24

2014-03-24 UTC
elux, brianloveswords, KevinMarks, krendil and joeysim joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+380) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */ re-added rel=publisher"
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edited /existing-rel-values (-178) "/* POSH usage */ moved rel=publisher to "HTML5 link type extensions" section"
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edited /existing-rel-values (-12) "minor wording changes to rel=publisher"
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kennyluck, elux_, KevinMarks, joeysim and chiui joined the channel
Bollywood Actress Andria DSouza hot photos: .hreview{display:none}Bollywood Actress Andria DSouza hot photos R... http://desifunblog.blogspot.com/2014/03/bollywood-actress-andria-dsouza-hot.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
eschnou, KevinMarks_, joeysim, dvirsky, Garbee and waterbaby999 joined the channel
joeysim joined the channel
chiui and elux joined the channel
KevinMarks and TallTed joined the channel
eschnou, KevinMarks, barnabywalters, caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
Fix missing data of author fn and hcard errors http://www.momscribe.com/2014/03/how-to-fix-error-missing-required-field_24.html while using Google structured data tool testing #blogging #bloggers
caseorganic, tantek, joeysim, dvirsky, KevinMarks and eschnou joined the channel
tantek, KevinMarks_, joeysim, caseorganic and krendil joined the channel