#microformats 2014-04-03

2014-04-03 UTC
iwaim joined the channel
edited /parsers () "(-1053)"
(view diff)
edited /parsers (-149) "/* Cloud Services */"
(view diff)
joeysim, caseorganic, tantek, KevinMarks, Garbee, chiui and iSRAELi joined the channel
tantek I need to kjnow if possible from which IP a spammer spammed microformats.org a couple of weeks ago. The spammer user-name was Praveenganore can you help me with that?
or any of you guys who have access to microformats.org logs? :)
!spammer thegetpr
Got it! There are now 188 spammers blacklisted
ChiefRA - unfortunately not easily
Can you tell me how can I skip undo-ing all the changes made by a person, and just jump to undo the first modification he made?
like in our channel here, at 06:56 Ganorepravin made a few changes, and I want to undo them directly to the version it was before he started doing changes.
eschnou, krendil, KevinMarks, philipashlock, KevinMarks_, waterbaby999 and joeysim joined the channel
RT @indexwordpress Giveaway: opportunity to get free Multi-Site Licenses of Author HReview Pro #WordPress #giveaway http://t.co/XWaswiguWt
RT @indexwordpress Giveaway: opportunity to get free Multi-Site Licenses of Author HReview Pro #WordPress #giveaway http://www.indexwp.com/giveaway-author-hreview-pro/
iSRAELi, netweb, ttepasse, philipashlock, joeysim, barnabywalters, TallTed and chiui joined the channel
RT @indexwordpress Giveaway: opportunity to get free Multi-Site Licenses of Author HReview Pro #WordPress #giveaway http://t.co/mKLVd6hlGN
eschnou joined the channel
@antonis7lowbap @silaserafim το κακο για τον Μπαλτακο,ειναι οτι ο αναλογος του στο hcards τον εφαγαν σε ενα δασος μονος...
eschnou and ttepasse joined the channel
tantek, iSRAELi, krendil, joeysim, uf-wiki-visitor and Mark_mit_k joined the channel
!tell ChiefRA when there are multiple changes by a user to undo - leave a message here for me or other admins ("adminhelp") and we can revert the page back across all the bad changes.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ttepasse, KevinMarks, tantek and philipashlock joined the channel