#microformats 2014-04-05

2014-04-05 UTC
equivalentideas and netweb joined the channel
Has the microformats community had much interaction with the archivist/record keeping community? They're faced with similar problems of siloed data, federation and interoperability.
krendil, philipashlock and eschnou joined the channel
edited /value-class-pattern-fr (+220) "/* Parsage de valeur á partir d'un attribut title */"
(view diff)
eschnou and nkonov joined the channel
daikataner, chiui, charl_ and voiume joined the channel
Giveaway multi-site licenses of Author HReview Pro plugin #WordPress #giveaway http://www.indexwp.com/giveaway-author-hreview-pro/
eschnou and iSRAELi joined the channel
RT @indexwordpress Giveaway: opportunity to get free Multi-Site Licenses of Author HReview Pro #WordPress #giveaway http://www.indexwp.com/giveaway-author-hreview-pro/
chiui, philipashlock, tyrinp, eschnou, barnabywalters, encolpe, tantek and iSRAELi joined the channel
<div class="hreview"><span class="item"><strong class="item"><span class="fn">download aplikasi... https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=651937401522773&id=100001195571315