#microformats 2014-04-27

2014-04-27 UTC
krendil, KevinMarks, tantek, joeysim, tantek_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
krendil, barnabywalters, eschnou and elux joined the channel
RT @QuestionBridge: Today @CAAMinLA presents 'Black Men and Police Protocol' panel discussion 2-4pm RSVP http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/?eID=4161
Today @CAAMinLA presents 'Black Men and Police Protocol' panel discussion 2-4pm RSVP http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/?eID=4161
bret, KevinMarks2, KevinMarks, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, krendil, brianloveswords, KevinMarks_ and barnabywalters joined the channel