#microformats 2014-04-30

2014-04-30 UTC
KartikPrabhu, krijnhoetmer, tantek, brianloveswords, KevinMarks_, eschnou, charl_, krendil and barnabywalters joined the channel
eschnou, joeysim and TallTed joined the channel
#firefox 29 fail: with no more status bar, my #nagios and #hcalendar plugins are no longer visible or useful. Wups!
may I introduce? the bad brother of #hCalendar: #iCal! http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.2.9 #isthisthefuture?
KevinMarks, twisted`, KevinMarks2, brianloveswords and caseorganic joined the channel
Contest winner will be picked soon so be sure to drop a comment and stand a chance to win http://enstinemuki.com/author-hreview-contest/
Contest winner will be picked soon so be sure to drop a comment and stand a chance to win http://enstinemuki.com/author-hreview-contest/
Contest winner will be picked soon so be sure to drop a comment and stand a chance to win http://enstinemuki.com/author-hreview-contest/
elux, KartikPrabhu and caseorganic joined the channel
Wow, #microformats2 is so much better. And a #genderidentity field! Awesome! I want to know the story behind that! http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2
eschnou, caseorganic, caseorga_, KevinMarks, joeysim and krendil joined the channel
Visit @CAAMinLA before Soul Stirring: African American Self-Taught Artists from the South leaves on June 8! http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/index.php?eID=4961
KevinMarks_, mko and caseorganic joined the channel