#KartikPrabhuoh must look at that. But yeah what is the policy with URL properties?
#tantekI'm not sure I understand. Can you give me a markup snippet example that illustrates what you mean?
#KartikPrabhuI want to do something like this <article class="h-cite"><div class="u-photo"> <data class="value" value="img-url"></data> </div></article>
#KartikPrabhuthe idea is to lazy-load avatar images for responses
#tantekwhat does the markup/dom look like after loading?
#tantek(and thanks for the concrete use-case! that helps A LOT)
#KartikPrabhuso on DOM-load a javascript will load the image and it will be <article class="h-cite"><div class="u-photo"><data class="value" value="img-url"></data><img src="img-url"/></div></article> note only an img-element is added
#KartikPrabhubut I want to keep the data element so that mf2-parsers can see the img
#tantekor rather, no need for <div class="u-photo">
#KartikPrabhuoh! sure... I was also including a <noscript><img src="fallback-img"></noscript> inside the wrapper div... but the problem is that php-mf2 does not parse data elements and VCP page has no guide to parse for URL properties