#microformats 2014-05-08

2014-05-08 UTC
Atamido, tantek, andicascadesf, KartikPrabhu, netweb and brianloveswords joined the channel
edited /hreview-aggregate (+138) "/* examples in the wild */"
(view diff)
krendil, joeysim, KevinMarks, andicascadesf, netweb, barnabywalters, hober2, edsu_, kylewm_, ChiefRA, Garbee, eschnou, voxpelli, tommorris, otterdam, aaronpk, Soopaman, brianloveswords, TallTed, elux, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Nenes, alguien sabe por qué si pongo varios microformatos de hcalendar sólo me pilla el primero?
brianloveswords, caseorganic, eschnou, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
mko, tantek, eschnou, Atamido_, krendil, Soopaman, barnabywalters, brianloveswords, KevinMarks and andicascadesf joined the channel