#microformats 2014-06-09

2014-06-09 UTC
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, krendil_ and philipashlock joined the channel
buying opportunity in hcard...............comes from 83 to 100 today and inshallah we see so far good.
eschnou, Atamido, netweb, robmorrissey, Atamido_, tantek, jonnybarnes, barnabywalters, Garbee, caseorganic, philipashlock, TallTed, elux, brianloveswords, shaners, globbot, KartikPrabhu, chiui, caseorga_ and krendil joined the channel
tantek: why the "infer 00" for MM and SS in value-class-pattern for datetimes? ref: http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern##infer+00 isn't that a case of artificial precision?