2014-06-11 UTC
robmorrissey, iSRAELiWORK, caseorganic, tantek, elux, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, brianloveswords, iwaim, pfefferle, krendil, waterbaby999, tobiastom, charl_, chiui, encolpe, barnabywalters, Phae, ChiefRA, Atamido_, lmjabreu_, twisted`, tobyink_, philipashlock, TallTed and pfefferle_ joined the channel
# aaronpk I'm curious where the decision to have every mf2 property be an array came from
# aaronpk as in when parsing any properties, there can always be multiple values
# aaronpk i dunno, there are a number of other ways it could work
# aaronpk like, if there's only one value then it is returned as a value rather than array
# aaronpk or maybe the spec for different data type dictates some properties must be single-value
# aaronpk or maybe pluralized property names become arrays :P
# aaronpk like I said, I'm curious where the decision came from :)
caseorganic joined the channel
# aaronpk it's not that it's confusing, it's just hard-coded much of the vocab
# aaronpk so you don't get back the JSON the same way you do with the PHP one
# barnabywalters looks like it has what could be a really great optimisation layer, if it was separated from the parsing stage
# aaronpk but there's definitely some magic going on with "card.names" and "card.name" both accessing the "p-name" property
philipashlock joined the channel
# tantek doesn't find that particular FAQ, sets out to write one.
robmorrissey joined the channel
# aaronpk if I get used to the fancy accessors in the G5 gem I might have to go make the same interface for the PHP one
# barnabywalters aaronpk: do it! the more tools there are for optimising use of the canonical structures the better
caseorganic, philipashlock, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, pfefferle, iwaim, tantek, tantek_, krendil, aaronpk_, reidab, tommorris, encolpe, dwayhs, dwayhs_, JohnBeales, JohnBeal_, robmorrissey and dwayhs__ joined the channel