#microformats 2014-06-13

2014-06-13 UTC
dwayhs, eschnou, KevinMarks, JohnBeales and iSRAELiWORK joined the channel
any updates on the microdata liscening terms since osfw3c?
dwayhs and KevinMarks joined the channel
dwayhs and tantek joined the channel
dwayhs, eschnou, philipashlock, Exploter, pfefferle, krendil, tantek, waterbaby999, barnabywalters, tobiastom and chiui joined the channel
@jensscherbl Use microformats2 for metadata and get common-sense style-hooks for free. I don't see how that's less flexible than microdata…
dwayhs_ joined the channel
#ChannelSEO #hcard #KnowledgeGraph #Microdata #OpenGraph #RDFa #schema #Schemaorg #TwitterCards Up Close @ SMX: http://www.bizfeedz.com/up-close-smx-enhancing-results-with-structured-data-markup/
waterbaby999 joined the channel
brianloveswords, TallTed, elux, tantek, philipashlock, dwayhs_, ChiefRA, krendil, caseorganic, waterbaby999, KevinMarks, eschnou, Loqi, tobyink, Rastus_Vernon, shaners and barnabywalters joined the channel