#microformats 2014-06-21

2014-06-21 UTC
brianloveswords, iSRAELiWORK, tantek, robmorrissey and krendil joined the channel
robmorrissey, philipashlock, KartikPrabhu, tantek and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
KevinMarks2, robmorrissey, eschnou and philipashlock joined the channel
robmorrissey and eschnou joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
chiui joined the channel
philipashlock, globbot and eschnou joined the channel
robmorrissey and eschnou joined the channel
brianloveswords, KevinMarks2, statonjr and MMN-o joined the channel
Good that microformats.org encourages switching entirely to microformats 2!
I needed that kick to start (continue) migrating GNU social HTML output to be a bit more modern.
kylewm, philipashlock, brianloveswords, caseorganic, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, KartikPrabhu1, elux, tantek, netweb and emmak joined the channel