#microformats 2014-06-26

2014-06-26 UTC
netweb, dwayhs_, Rastus_Vernon, iSRAELiWORK, emmak, KevinMarks, philipashlock, dwayhs__, EsoRottica, Loqi and brianloveswords joined the channel
chiui, dwayhs__, eschnou, pfefferle, charl_, krendil, waterbaby999, adactio and netweb_ joined the channel
How to solve the Warning: Missing required field 'updated' and hCard 'author' in blogger http://webbloggingtalks.blogspot.com/2014/06/how-to-solve-warning-missing-required-field-blogger.html #Google #solution #error
marin_000, dwayhs__, adactio, KartikPrabhu1 and TallTed joined the channel
use a php framework? jamierumbelow That's not good for me NOT implementing any hCard stuff on recent THE
gRegor`, tantek, brianloveswords, KevinMarks, pfefferle, encolpe, philipashlock, caseorganic, eschnou, danbri, netweb_, waterbaby999, charl_, jonnybarnes, iSRAELiWORK, Garbee, ChiefRA, globbot, aaronpk, kylewm, krijnhoetmer, twisted`, rknLA, tommorris, benward, xxtjaxx, tobyink, voxpelli, Phae, iwaim, reidab, ivc, danielfilho, hober, Hixie, ChanServ, edsu, ivc\zz, caseorga_, KartikPrabhu and tantek_ joined the channel
Now I want microformats stickers
edited /parsers (+100) "/* Python */ added kartik's development fork"
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aaronpk yay!
does a happy dance!
we should print new batches
actually anyone can I think - the EPS is on the website last I checked
really like the quality of the indiewebcamp stickers - we should find out who Crystal used to print them (I think they're in Portland) and use them for microformats stickers too
I assumed she used StickerMule
I get all my stickers there, they are great
Is there any $ available somehow? I'd be happy to make them
microformats logo is awesome btw!
Is the mediawiki install older than indiewebcamps? How difficult would it be to use the indieauth plugin on microformats.org?
chiui joined the channel
gRegor`: yes, likely older install
EsoRottica, pfefferle and elux joined the channel
edited /parsers (+50) "/* Python */ added PyPI page"
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EsoRottica, brianloveswords, philipashlock, tantek, krendil, eschnou, hober, MMN-o, netweb, caseorganic, caseorga_, KartikPrabhu, krijnhoetmer_ and emmak joined the channel