#microformats 2014-06-26
2014-06-26 UTC
netweb, dwayhs_, Rastus_Vernon, iSRAELiWORK, emmak, KevinMarks, philipashlock, dwayhs__, EsoRottica, Loqi and brianloveswords joined the channel
chiui, dwayhs__, eschnou, pfefferle, charl_, krendil, waterbaby999, adactio and netweb_ joined the channel
# How to solve the Warning: Missing required field 'updated' and hCard 'author' in blogger http://webbloggingtalks.blogspot.com/2014/06/how-to-solve-warning-missing-required-field-blogger.html #Google #solution #error ( twitter.com/_/status/482120707992604672)
marin_000, dwayhs__, adactio, KartikPrabhu1 and TallTed joined the channel
# use a php framework? jamierumbelow That's not good for me NOT implementing any hCard stuff on recent THE ( twitter.com/_/status/482160204994187266)
gRegor`, tantek, brianloveswords, KevinMarks, pfefferle, encolpe, philipashlock, caseorganic, eschnou, danbri, netweb_, waterbaby999, charl_, jonnybarnes, iSRAELiWORK, Garbee, ChiefRA, globbot, aaronpk, kylewm, krijnhoetmer, twisted`, rknLA, tommorris, benward, xxtjaxx, tobyink, voxpelli, Phae, iwaim, reidab, ivc, danielfilho, hober, Hixie, ChanServ, edsu, ivc\zz, caseorga_, KartikPrabhu and tantek_ joined the channel
chiui joined the channel
EsoRottica, pfefferle and elux joined the channel
EsoRottica, brianloveswords, philipashlock, tantek, krendil, eschnou, hober, MMN-o, netweb, caseorganic, caseorga_, KartikPrabhu, krijnhoetmer_ and emmak joined the channel