#microformats 2014-06-29

2014-06-29 UTC
Phae_, voxpelli, caseorganic, iwaim___, twisted`, KevinMarks, rknLA, bretolius, benward, caseorga_, tobyink_, iSRAELiWORK, krendil, MMN-o, brianloveswords, tantek, KartikPrabhu and netweb joined the channel
netweb, philipashlock, eschnou, twisted`, Phae_, voxpelli, rknLA, benward, fgw, iSRAELiWORK, pfefferle, krendil, twisted`_, trendynick, brianloveswords, tantek, kylewm, jgarber, MMN-o, gRegor`, pazz0, gRegor`_, Rastus_Vernon, brianlov_, tantek_, benward_, jonnymbarnes, caseorganic, robmorrissey and robmorri_ joined the channel