#microformats 2014-07-14

2014-07-14 UTC
Soopaman, robmorrissey, KartikPrabhu1, KartikPrabhu, gRegor` and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
KevinMarks2, gRegor`, tantek, KartikPrabhu, ChiefRA, chiui, krendil, RCheesley, robmorrissey, pfefferle, twisted`_, adactio, pfefferle_ and eschnou joined the channel
RCheesley, KartikPrabhu, TallTed and netweb joined the channel
edited /sheet-music-formats (+238) "/* PDF */"
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KevinMarks2, philipashlock, RCheesley, Soopaman, brianloveswords, pfefferle_, gRegor`, KevinMarks3, TallTed, KartikPrabhu, Rastus_Vernon, krendil and paintedbicycle joined the channel
edited /h-entry (-13) "/* Validating */ update link from indiewebify.waterpigs.co.uk to the more common indiewebify.me"
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KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1 and gRegor` joined the channel