#microformats 2014-07-25

2014-07-25 UTC
KartikPrabhu, iwaim and robmorrissey joined the channel
MiniCard http://ngoding.co/read/2014/07/minicard/ #Wordpress, MiniCard A business card theme for WordPress with built in vCard/hCard support, inspired b...
KevinMarks, pfefferle, chiui, pfefferle_, KevinMarks_, krendil, RCheesley_, trendynick_, barnabywalters, adactio and robmorrissey joined the channel
@HerrieJ via Google webmaster tools. Blijkt dat Google die gestructureerde gegevens (Hcard) nodig heeft voor vlottere indexering.
TallTed, robmorrissey, gRegor`, RCheesley_, krendil, pfefferle_, tantek and philipashlock joined the channel
Quickly Add Hreview Markup In Blog To Get More Quality Traffic From Google http://www.trickseek.com/2014/07/hreview-markup-blogger.html
KartikPrabhu1, tantek, Rastus_Vernon, KevinMarks_, chiui and edsu_ joined the channel