#microformats 2014-08-04

2014-08-04 UTC
robmorrissey, gRegor` and tantek joined the channel
WP Rich Snippets By Author hReview Reviewed – Make Your Reviews Stand Out http://www.wpsuperstars.net/wp-rich-snippets-review/
WP Rich Snippets By Author hReview Reviewed – Make Your Reviews Stand Out http://www.wpsuperstars.net/wp-rich-snippets-review/
WP Rich Snippets By Author hReview Reviewed – Make Your Reviews Stand Out http://www.wpsuperstars.net/wp-rich-snippets-review/
Loqi, barnabywalters, KartikPrabhu, gRegor`, tantek, chiui, jschweinsberg, trendynick_, TallTed, krendil, robmorrissey, netweb and elux joined the channel