#microformats 2014-08-07

2014-08-07 UTC
edited /existing-rel-values (+4) "/* notes */"
(view diff)
caseorganic and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+81) "/* brainstorming */"
(view diff)
tobyink_, Hixie_, iwaim, encolpe, trendynick_ and robmorrissey joined the channel
WP Rich Snippets By Author hReview Reviewed - Create Reviews With Flare http://www.wpsuperstars.net/wp-rich-snippets-review/ via @wpsuperstars
chiui, pfefferle, KartikPrabhu, pfefferle_, krendil, robmorrissey, barnabywalters, robmorri_, eschnou, elux, TallTed, gRegor`, felipedefarias, caseorganic, jgarber, statonjr and tantek joined the channel