#microformats 2014-08-13

2014-08-13 UTC
caseorganic, tantek, Phaw, Soopaman, gRegor`, krendil, robmorrissey, encolpe, eschnou, ChiefRA, barnabywalters, adactio, statonjr and pfefferle joined the channel
Soopaman, pfefferle, philipashlock, caseorganic, TallTed and gRegor` joined the channel
Урок 319 Правильная страница «Контакты»: карта Яндекс на сайте и микроформат hCard http://wpnew.ru/raskrutka-bloga/seo_optimizaciya/karta-yandeks-na-sait-i-microformat-hcard.html
caseorganic, Garbee, tantek, philipashlock, barnabywalters and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
hey tommorris - looks like there is some interest in a Java microformats2 parser: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ANY23-207
in case you were still working on that?
edited /parsers (+88) "/* Java */ not *yet* (direct link to issue), and help welcome. cc: tommorris"
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edited /existing-rel-values (-85) "LOL. Undo rel=red, for changing link color, really?!? and certainly not specified by xmdp-brainstorming."
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tantek: I started one a while back but writing Java gives me the heebie-jeebies.
well, in case you know how to get them started, or get other java folks interested in helping out!
I could write one in Scala which spits out a JAR which could be called from Java, but writing pure Java is too painful. ;)
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+60) "move new addition to the list, have not verified it for microformats"
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have you seen examples of relative URLs in textcontent (outside of a URL attribute like href or src?)
eschnou joined the channel
tantek: just having a second look at http://jsoup.org/ and considering writing some convenience code around it to make it easier to use from Scala
ooh cool!
yes there are a number of sites that use Scala on the backend like Foursquare and Twitter that would likely benefit from having a Scala microformats2 parser
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek: that comment only refers to the contents of src attributes, and other places we know have URLs in
trying to spot random relative URLs in text content is going to lead to many false positives
barnabywalters: hmm - yeah, ok then I think the edit you made does not reflect that intention
Soopaman1, robmorri_, KevinMarks, philipashlock, Soopaman, caseorganic and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
FREE XTRA: 8/16 10am-5pm Short Film Showcase screenings @ California African American Museum. Info: (213) 744-2024 or http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/?eID=5751
KartikPrabhu, philipashlock, krendil, eschnou and caseorganic joined the channel
edited /openid-brainstorming (+201) "/* OpenID whitelist authentication for private hCard */ note superceded by indieauth and h-card"
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caseorga_, caseorganic, gRegor`, statonjr and KartikPrabhu joined the channel