#microformats 2014-08-19

2014-08-19 UTC
Does anyone know of a parser that supports srcset parsing in u-* property parsing (as opposed to src parsing)?
mko: not that I know of.
Boo. Guess I'm going to have to hack something into my <picture> or another element that allows for a src value.
Using a srcset property with JS to backfill the src on DOM load allows all browsers to support picture without downloading the extra file.
aah. I suppose then microformats should just wait until <picture> itself in more widely used
KartikPrabhu, tantek, KevinMarks2, Atamido, Garbee, voxpelli, twisted`, krendil, eschnou, KevinMarks3, pfefferle, adactio, trendynick_, robmorrissey, pfefferle_ and MMN-o joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
philipashlock, TallTed, elux, MMN-o_, pfefferle, eschnou, Soopaman, caseorganic, tantek, felipedefarias, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, robmorrissey, KevinMarks_, krendil, caseorga_ and barnabywalters joined the channel
@SheCouldDoWorse @JordanKinard Well Jordan said y'all wanted to make me your puppet president 😂 #HouseOf4-HCards
tantek joined the channel
lol the calendize logo is basically the microformats logo blue-tinted and rotated: https://calendize.com/images/landing-view/calendize.png