#microformats 2014-09-19

2014-09-19 UTC
gordonb, KevinMarks__, netweb and gRegor` joined the channel
"With HTML+microformats2 + a microformats2 parser, we already have a database-like API that gives you data back from HTML." x2 @kevinmarks
"likely that eventually we'll come up with something resembling a database/storage API on top of a HTML+microformats2 file" x3 @kevinmarks
kez, eschnou, chiui, Exploter, KevinMarks__, krendil, pfefferle, netweb, robmorrissey, KartikPrabhu, TallTed, Atamido_, pfefferle_, Hixie_, gRegor`, tommorris and Atamido joined the channel
Erkan_Yilmaz, ivc, KevinMarks__, Exploter and trendynick_ joined the channel
http://leadawdqwdq.com http://leadawdqwdq.com http://t.co/ZgOnmMGB91@?HCARD@I-4164069 Пробую себя в роли писателя
mko joined the channel
Exploter, KevinMarks__ and gordonb joined the channel
shaners_, KartikPrabhu, gordonb and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
gordonb joined the channel
targeting the gmail actions api
gordonb, shaners_, tantek and KevinMarks__ joined the channel