#microformats 2014-10-08

2014-10-08 UTC
caseorganic, gRegor`, Soopaman, caseorga_, kylewm, KevinMarks_, eschnou, Exploter, KevinMarks, kez, globbot, chiui, kensanata and krendil joined the channel
tommorris: ping!
tommorris: were we going to meet up for lunch or something, today/tomorrow?
Skud: sure. Just rushing out the house now, but will /msg you. can do lunch in soho
tommorris: no worries :) /msg or email is fine, just give me some notice so i can get there
Author hReview: Ajouter des Rich Snippets et #Reviews étoilées á WordPress http://wpscouts.com/author-hreview/ #authorhreview #richsnippets via @wpscouts
shaners, robmorrissey, caseorganic, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, edsu, chiui, rknLA, tommorris, kez, barnabywalters, kez_, pfefferle, barnabywalters_, eschnou, TallTed, Soopaman1, jgarber, Atamido, Soopaman and gRegor` joined the channel
guys, question: if I'm using the old mf1 hCard, how can I encapsulate a note within hCard to be recognised by Google as the original hCard "note" property isn't recognised by Google, I've tested it with the Google Structured Data Testing Tool
I mention that the hCard implementation represents an Organisation, and I would like to encapsulate a description for this organization within that specific hCard
thanks for any suggestions :)
ChiefRA: if google doesn’t support the note property then there’s not really any magic way of getting them to recognise it
barnabywalters I know, I just wanted to implement it somehow, but correctly, the "note" property should do it right?
I mean semantically correct
I can trick Google by placing it under "role" property. In this way, Google would display it :))))))))))
yep, “note” is fine for a bio or description
Soopaman1, TallTed, Aranjedeath, Exploter, KevinMarks_, shaners, chiui, eschnou, krendil, tantek and Soopaman joined the channel