#microformats 2014-10-13

2014-10-13 UTC
Soopaman, tantek, Atamido, robmorrissey, caseorganic, ivc\zz, kez, eschnou, kensanata, krendil, mlilenium_, chiui, Exploter, adactio, netweb, Erkan_Yilmaz, gRegor`, Garbee, KevinMarks, mko, KevinMarks_, shaners, sds and bret_ joined the channel
hi all! reading http://microformats.org/wiki/opening-hours-brainstorming i understand that opening hours will be expressed in ISO8601. with that in mind, how will it be possible to express "my business is opened Monday to Saturday, 0800 to 1700" in ISO8601? i understand how i can express "a period of 8 hours", something like "PT8H". but i do not understand how i can express Monday to Saturday in ISO8601?
caseorganic, caseorga_, KevinMarks__, Exploter, robmorrissey and netweb joined the channel