#microformats 2014-10-21

2014-10-21 UTC
KevinMarks, netweb, Rastus_Vernon, tantek and EsoRottica joined the channel
edited /invitation (-29) "local redirect"
(view diff)
tantek, tantek____, EsoRottica, Rastus_Vernon, gRegor`, kez, kensanata, pfefferle, chiui, KevinMarks, krendil, adactio and eschnou joined the channel
pfefferle, charl, tobyink, danielfilho, adactio, eschnou, tantek and Mark87 joined the channel
I want to make a custom rel attribute. For now I'm just going to start using it, but is there any process I should know of for standardizing rel names?
Mark87: 1. check there isn't already an existing close-enough relationship that's been standardized.
tobyink is there a best place to check?
pfefferle joined the channel
tobyink++ thanks
tobyink has 1 karma
TallTed, gRegor`, kez_, pfefferle, pfefferle_, tantek and mko joined the channel
Микроформат hCard http://seotik.ru/mikroformat-hcard/
eschnou joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
krendil and Mark87 joined the channel
are there any good parsers that use tree traversal to parse mf2? I'm looking for a non-xpath way to parse implied properties
Mark87: KevinMarks_ left you a message 3 hours, 22 minutes ago: the iana link relations registry is deprecated in favour of the microformats one. see http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-registry and http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#other-link-types http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/links.html#other-link-types
KevinMarks, tantek and Mark87 joined the channel