KevinMarks__, ChiefRA, chiui, krendil, KevinMarks, adactio, netweb, eschnou, alanpearce, Musk, voxpelli, benward_____, Garbee, tommorris, bret, iwaim, TallTed, mko, gRegor`, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
#tantekben_thatmust left me a message earlier today: does this seem to be correct in its parsing? the category and h-card ending up nested seems odd, but looks to be correct for the algo. Want to double check it is correct before i build on it.
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: great test case, it's an interesting challenge of both implying property names and minimal parent/child microformats objects
#tantekhere's a general principle - the same markup for a property should not be causing that property to occur in *both* a microformat and one embedded inside - such a property should only be showing up on one.
#tantekthus it's up to the parsing algorithm to be tightened up to prevent that
#tantekit looks like mostly this is happening due to implied properties
#tantekthis rule is triggering an extra property/name for the parent " else if .h-x>area:only-child[alt] then use that area alt for name "
#tantekin this case, that should only be triggered if the area itself is NOT a microformat
#tantekand since <area> can't have children itself, this is relatively easy to test
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing (+40) "/* parsing for implied properties */ fix nested img and area implying a name property to not do so for a parent/ancestor if they themselves are the root of a microformat" (view diff)
#tantekthat should fix the extra "Person Bee" on the parent h-entry
#tantekgoes to add a note about the general principle noted above
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing (+298) "/* parsing for implied properties */ note about general principle of property markup should not cause that microformat on both a microformat and an embedded child microformat." (view diff)
#tantekok that should do it. microformats2-parsing updated to handle test case and incorporate essential commentary above.
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, i see that fixing the one issue, need to look up the bug in the parser too
chiui, eschnou, KartikPrabhu and EsoRottica joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemelooks like that bug exists in php-mf2 before, it doesn't check the :not[.h-*
krendil, KartikPrabhu and caseorganic joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei have a feeling there may be other bugs in php-mf2 i'll have to deal with, but for now i sent a pull req to the main trunk. On to the next level in handling tagging
tantek, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel