#microformats 2014-11-26

2014-11-26 UTC
Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
so should rel-bookmark be converted to u-url u-uid by parsers in backward compatibility mode?
the trouble is this is only valid for hentry > rel-bookmark any parentless rel-bookmark should be left alone
KartikPrabhu: yep that's my proposal. I haven't figured out a clean way to shoehorn it into backcompat.py yet, but I think that is the right course
and not converted to u-uid u-url, but augmented with
yes like the usual backcomapt rules
!tell tantek: for reasons of bridgy POSSE-post-discovery for sites using legacy mf Worpress themes, kylewm proposed adding the following rule to backwards comaptible processing. Augement any "hentry > rel-bookmark" with a "u-url u-uid". What do you think?
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
kylewm: can't POSSE-post-discovery not go through the rel-bookmark values to look for the original post?
it could, sure but i'd rather not :)
I see. I think this backcompat is a good rule for other parsing things too so lets try to see if it passes
KartikPrabhu, tantek and elux joined the channel
Видимо он не совсем правильно интерпретировал изложенное в книге, имелось ввиду наверное семантика, а точнее что то вроде hCard
umm translation loqi?
who, me?
Erkan_Yilmaz, eschnou, KartikPrabhu and chiui joined the channel
krendil, Garbee, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, chiui, adactio, alanpearce, Musk, TallTed, tantek, elux, mko, caseorganic, KevinMarks, gRegor`, Ryuno, Ryuno-Ki, caseorga_ and netweb joined the channel