#microformats 2014-12-12

2014-12-12 UTC
gRegor`, KartikPrabhu, Rastus_Vernon, ivc\zz, netweb, iwaim, caseorganic, tantek and kez_ joined the channel
adactio joined the channel
edited /hlisting (-14) "/* past examples */"
(view diff)
Musk, TallTed, gRegor`, elux, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk I submitted pull requests to the "bikeshed" W3C spec generator for it to use the time element - and they were accepted. So now everytime someone updates a spec with bikeshed, it will use the <time> element, e.g.: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-ui/