KartikPrabhu, gRegor` and tantek joined the channel
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+1066) "/* issues */ resolve one implied property issue, and add another about implied properties on backcompat parsing unlikely to be intended" (view diff)
#tantekI presumed you were following the discussion in #indiewebcamp about aaronpk complaining about all the "fixing" his code has to do for bad h-entrys which turned out to be bad hentrys
#kylewmi thought it was the other way around originally
#kylewmtantek: is it valuable to comment on the wiki if i am just +1'ing your proposal?
#tantekit is absolutely. readings/reviews are greatly valuable.
#KartikPrabhuoh interesting the implied name seems to be the main culprit so far... would be interesting to tackle this
#tantekprecisely - and I'm not seeing any value from the implied URL or photo for classic microformats, and since such implying didn't originally exist for classic microformats, it seems the conservative (lease surprise) thing to do is to not imply anything for any classic microformats
#tantekthat is the burden of proof is demonstrate use-cases / real world examples of *existing* classic microformats markup that benefits from implying anything - as any *new* markup would simply be done with microformats2
#tantekthus the default path (lack evidence either way) would be to drop implying for classic microformats
#tantekthanks kylewm. hoping for confirmation from at least one more parser developer and then I'm happy to make the change (but be open to others raising exceptions if they think of any)
#KartikPrabhutantek: I am assuming it is better to have consumers not get an implied property and do their own fallbacks instead of giving "false positives"?
#tantekrather, the occurance of implied property false positivies is likely to approach 100% for classic microformats
#kylewmtantek: could you change "elements that have explicit class property names" to "nested elements ..." so there is no confusion about e.g. <a class="p-author h-card" href="http://example.com">Example User</a>
#tantekah, would "child elements" be enough to cover this?
#kylewmoh, yes? I don't know the semantic difference between nested and child in this case
#tantekeither way it's going to be a summary of what the parsing algorithm specifically says
#tantekwhich currently uses CSS selector syntax to illustrate how to find elements to imply properties from
#tantekI plan to add to those some form of :not(.p-*,.u-*,.dt-*,.e-*) to indicate that none of those class name matches may occur on elements used to imply properties