#microformats 2015-01-27

2015-01-27 UTC
tantek, KartikPrabhu, prtksxna, gRegor`, KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
Tools to Use and Learn hCard Format – Learning Microformats … via
kez_, KevinMarks__, chiui, pfefferle and eschnou joined the channel
@BioBuster a teraz GG wyskoczyło z -85% i brakuje mi 30bc żeby za friko zgarnąć... A co to? A to: http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-HCARD/hoyle-card-games-2012
Comment Ajouter un Système de Notation sur son Site #WordPress avec Author hReview • http://wpscouts.com/author-hreview/ #AuthorhReview via @wpscouts
KevinMarks and pfefferle joined the channel
...seems Microdata was dropped by W3C in favour of RDFa, but Google recommends Microdata and Microformats2 claims to supercede Microdata!
pfefferle joined the channel
eschnou, Musk, pfefferle, myfreeweb, ben_thatmust, prtksxna, eschenal and gRegor` joined the channel
tantek, kez_ and gRegor`_ joined the channel
danielfilho_, rhiaro, pfefferle, prtksxna, adactio, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and reidab_ joined the channel
Help, I’m lost in five layers of choose|when/otherwise xslt statements to decide which address field to use when populating a hcard.
uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel
jgarber joined the channel
Como Resolver o Problema Dos Avisos: Missing required field Title Updated e hCard http://rentabilizacao.com/?p=1315
prtksxna, myfreeweb, KevinMarks, tantek and AndrewBC joined the channel