#microformats 2015-02-12

2015-02-12 UTC
MeanderingCode joined the channel
hello all. come to wrap my head around the current state of microformats (&tc...indieweb and friendly technologies, in general)
my background comes more from the side of newer encrypted communications tech and conversations about decentralized social networking
a lot of the wiki activity looks like it was at some peak ~2006-7. I'm wondering what may still be relevant re: groups that are active and services that implement these standards
gRegor` and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk: can you subscribe me to the indieweb newsletter?
/msg'd my email
KevinMarks, Soopaman, tantek, ben_thatmustbeme, Erkan_Yilmaz, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, pfefferle, kez_, KevinMarks_ and chiui joined the channel
edited /microformats2 (+136) "/* Examples in the wild */"
(view diff)
barnabywalters, KevinMarks, adactio, gvsi, KevinMarks_, Acidnerd, Garbee, pfefferle_, Musk, TallTed, pfefferle, Soopaman, gRegor`, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, chiui and hectorMcSpector joined the channel