#microformats 2015-02-22

2015-02-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu, tantek and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Medical reambrshmnt vil b continue Feb2015 last dt Next vil b forced Hcards as per GO159 dt 22 Dec 20 14 Plz alert
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
Medical reambrshmnt vil b continue Feb2015 last dt Next vil b forced Hcards as per GO159 dt 22 Dec 20 14 Plz alert
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Medical reambrshmnt vil b continue Feb2015 last dt Next vil b forced Hcards as per GO159 dt 22 Dec 20 14 Plz alert
eschnou, Acidnerd and KevinMarks joined the channel
It's Rage of Bahamut's 3rd Birthday! Play now to receive your Legend hcard! http://www.denagames.com/games/rage-of-bahamut #rageofbahamut
KevinMarks, Soopaman, Hixie, reidab, iwaim, elf-pavlik, ben_thatmust_, ben_thatmust, tantek, kylewm, eschnou, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, gRegor`, benward______, tjgillies, Garbee, bret, voxpelli and prtksxna joined the channel