#microformats 2015-03-13

2015-03-13 UTC
KevinMarks_ and Soopaman1 joined the channel
kevin marks
edited /microformats2 (+13) "/* v2 vocabularies */ add link to h-feed"
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KevinMarks_, Soopaman, tantek, tantek_, ivc\zz, zlinux, zlinux_, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, kez_, krendil, alanpearce_, elf-pavlik, adactio, csarven, joskar, TallTed, alanpearce and gRegor` joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+141) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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KevinMarks_, joskar, joskar_, alanpearce, danielfilho and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
andy sky
edited /existing-rel-values () "(-516) /* HTML5 link type extensions */ Removed DCTERMS.identifier as explicitly stated to be in the "literal" range as defined in RDFa spec"
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KevinMarks_, ChiefRA, joskar and joskar_ joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+249) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */"
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joskar_, joskar, Davidino, alanpearce, KartikPrabhu, elux, krijnhoetmer, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_, tantek, gRegor` and knitt1 joined the channel
yay. cool. didn't expect this channel to actually exist
joskar_ joined the channel
quick question: can I nest a p-country-name insade a p-postal-code? (e.g. <span class="p-postal-code"><abbr class="p-country-name" title="Austria">A</abbr>-1234</span>?
KevinMarks_, joskar_, alanpearce, KevinMarks__, elux_ and tantek joined the channel