#microformats 2015-03-17

2015-03-17 UTC
KevinMarks_, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Hickensian - true, an online hCard+XFN people list editor would rock
huh - can't tell if that's new or belated regurgitated spam
whoa - because it *is* regurgitated - from nearly NINE years ago!!! https://twitter.com/t/status/153883
Hickensian - true, an online hCard+XFN people list editor would rock
check out that short twtr path ^^^
KartikPrabhu and joskar joined the channel
I found that via Twitter search BTW
so it looks like Twitter search has indexed the entire Twitter corpus
because that tweet is from not long after I started tweeting
and it was *fast* to retrieve
oh my goodness. from the https://twitter.com/AllTheTwits bio: Tweeting every tweet that's ever been tweeted.
This is not going to end well
KevinMarks__, KevinMarks_ and Soopaman joined the channel
feels that easy parsability is what will lead to portability. hCard becomes your low level API
oh boy
Derek nails it: "hCard becomes your low level API"
So it's not down to you or me marking up our stuff with hCard or XFN: it's down to Flickr, Twitter, Last.fm, etc. to do it.
oh Jeremy (adactio) - turned out we couldn't depend on any of the silos, could we? https://twitter.com/adactio/status/154473
So it's not down to you or me marking up our stuff with hCard or XFN: it's down to Flickr, Twitter, Last.fm, etc. to do it.
is tempted to start @-replying to these old tweets as they pop in here, thus totally puzzling the authors of the originals as to *why* I happened to find them
Derek nails it: "hCard becomes your low level API"
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, csarven, eschnou, KartikPrabhu1, elf-pavlik, kez_, joskar, pfefferle, eschenal, alanpearce and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
thinking we all need a chat about hCard/XFN/global buddies so we're all on the same track
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
thinking we all need a chat about hCard/XFN/global buddies so we're all on the same track
KevinMarks_, tantek, elux, pfefferle, TallTed, gRegor`, rhiaro, krijnhoetmer, Soopaman, elf-pavlik, KartikPrabhu, globbot and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
March Safety Moment Part 2: #MSHA Tips for safely entering & exiting Industrial Equipment! http://www.msha.gov/S&HINFO/SAFETY/HCARD/CABINSP.pdf #ADVANCEwithus
Soopaman, elf-pavlik, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, Davidino and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel