#tantektommorris: right at the top: "Use case: IndieWeb "deleted" indication inline in content for static file services that don't support HTTP return codes. "
#tommorrisyeah, but why just the http-equivs. you'd need to have both to discern anything useful
#tommorrisI'm just not sure why you'd want one but not the other
#tommorrismeta http-equiv is there for when you can't set headers. but headers are still sent - the meta http-equiv just overrides them in the document
#tommorrisgetting the overrides without the values they are overriding is a bit weird
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#tantektommorris: re: "when you can't set headers" - exactly: "static file services that don't support HTTP return codes"
#tantekre: "you'd need to have both to discern anything useful" - not true - and certainly not true in this specific use-case where you do check for a 410 status code first, and then go parse the file.
#tantekpoint is to *not* have to *separately* parse for http equiv status code 410, but be able to just always run the microformats parser on the HTML and do *zero* parsing in your own code
#tantekre: "why you'd want one but not the other" - because this use-case is in the context of already having gotten the headers via curl
#tommorrisbut in the context of building the library, if I have access to both why not merge the two and return a combined dictionary of both headers and meta http-equivs
#tommorrisB: MUST return http-equiv only and MAY return other headers parsed from the response and combine them together
#tantekand people already have header parsing / handling code
#tantekA is the minimum viable feature to satisfy the use-case - that's why
#tommorrisshould a microformats parser do anything with any of the other headers? behave like a proper HTTP user agent perhaps?
#tommorrisif we're handling headers (and meta http-equiv are basically headers), we should probably follow what the headers tell us to do broadly in the same way browsers do
#tantekagain - no need for the mvp for the use-case
#tantekless code = less chance of introducing bugs
#tanteka microformats parser may just get a URL (context) and a string of the curled data - e.g. that's how phpmf2 works now
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