tantektommorris: right at the top: "Use case: IndieWeb "deleted" indication inline in content for static file services that don't support HTTP return codes. "
tantekre: "you'd need to have both to discern anything useful" - not true - and certainly not true in this specific use-case where you do check for a 410 status code first, and then go parse the file.
tantekpoint is to *not* have to *separately* parse for http equiv status code 410, but be able to just always run the microformats parser on the HTML and do *zero* parsing in your own code
tommorrisbut in the context of building the library, if I have access to both why not merge the two and return a combined dictionary of both headers and meta http-equivs
tommorrisif we're handling headers (and meta http-equiv are basically headers), we should probably follow what the headers tell us to do broadly in the same way browsers do