#kylewmwell, afaik, Monocle subscribes to whatever URL you give it ... doesn't do feed discovery
#kylewmand also, Monocle (unlike Ww) fetches each individual permalink in an h-feed, so it's fine if the h-feed is partial
#kylewmWoodwind does not look for u-uid, but only because I just leanred about it ;)
#aaronpkneeds to spend some more time on monocle soon
#KartikPrabhuTigt: best practices haven't been fully-eshtablished yet because all h-feed readers are still experimental so I would recommend not worrying too much at the moment
#KartikPrabhubut people have been working on a standard suite of tests that parsers will test against so hopefully in the future all of them will be similarly compliant
#TigtI'm assuming some of these don't understand mf2
#KartikPrabhuI think most of them do understand mf2 but maybe not all kinds of properties
#glennjonesNot sure I agree that this is the right answer, but I will update the tests so they dont collapse whitespace and add to the page why I think it wrong
#glennjonesIf you want to changes the v2 tests great, I working on the v1 at the moment and will change them with my next push to repo
#KevinMarksright, but if so we need to add that to the tests somehow
#KevinMarksI sent a pull for the xfn and other rels if you want to review
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#glennjonesSo I need an interface mf2py that allows me to send a baseURL to make the test work. https://kylewm.com/services/mf2 does not, so I cannot send it the URL context to make the test work correctly
#KevinMarksyou could change the test to say <base href="http://tantek.com"><link rel="updates alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="updates.atom" />
#KevinMarksthough actually label is supposed to have newlines in , per vcard
#KevinMarks"The property can also include a "LABEL" parameter to present a delivery address label for the address. Its value is a plain-text string representing the formatted address. Newlines are encoded as \n, as they are for property values."
#KevinMarksI have a pile of changes in a pull request for you, working backwards though my test cases for mf2py
#glennjonesGreat the more input the better the test will be for all us
#glennjonesThe issue I have with returning whitespace and returns from parsed HTML is that it was added to make the code understandable and was not meant to be used/read outside of that context.
#glennjonesKevinMarks I have merged in the pull request. Got a little complex as I had changed the directory structure. Hopfully its all there now. I will push changes to test server in a minute
#KevinMarks__I think your test harness is close to the same thing for microformats
#glennjonesBabelmark looks like a nice tool, interpreting a spec is hard, often comparing implementations helps find outstanding issues and allows you to coalesce around one understanding more quickly. Thats why I built it
pfefferle joined the channel
#VendanI don't think we should just have a <base> on all the tests.
#Vendanif a parser doesn't support a baseurl parameter, that's it's fault, not the tests. Most pages that I've seen don't use <base>
benborges and tantek joined the channel
#glennjonesMaybe adding <base> to all the tests is overkill. We could keep it down just to 3 or 4 tests where relative URL resolving is been tested?
csarven joined the channel
#aaronpkthere definitely need to be tests without <base> since most real pages don't have it, need to be able to test all code paths
#Vendan^ not testing real life usecases because a parser is messed up isn't the way to go...
#kylewmit was supposed to handle doc+base url before, but I think it was choking when the GET params were too long
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#glennjoneskylewm: that work fine added two new test just for relative URLs - will look at adding a testrunner mode that does not flag "rel-urls": {}, as an error, so you can get more out of the results
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#KevinMarks__Kylewm did you see the test running I added to my mf2py fork?
#KevinMarks__Could do that, but with the main tests repository as the submodule
#tantekping me when you've added the issue to the wiki so we can properly propose/discuss/document a resolution there. thanks!
#glennjonesKylewm: that’s done your now, I think Vendan: idea of using a “strict” parameter is more flexible and would allow you try out other changes without creating errors.
#tantekI think the "strict" param is a bad idea because it is quickly lost "whose dfn of strict?" "what year?" etc.
#tantekcan you please file issues instead of hacking workaround into code / test suites?
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#KevinMarksthe rel-urls thing si that the tests reflect the parsing page, not the updated stuff
#tantekyeah that's on me to update - sorry will do today
#KevinMarksso my test harness on mf2py currently deletes the rel-urls object before comparing
#KevinMarkswiht glenn's changes too, down to 37 failures in mf2py (from 80 last night)
#kylewmhmm, I wish Travis-CI would give us one of those nice charts
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+951) "/* whitespace collapsing revisited */ add option to trim leading/trailing, separate choose from vs. orthogonal choices, add -1/0/+1" (view diff)
#tantekadded some reponses and more options KevinMarks
#KartikPrabhucollapsing whitespace in name is going to completely mess up the classification of notes. I thought name = content.value implied that the post was a note
#tantekKartikPrabhu: the algorithm is a bit more than that