#tantekwait - are you implementing kylewm's proposal? microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-brainstorming#Nested_h-.2A_objects.27_.22value.22_property
#tantekwell that's my bad with being behind on incorporating into spec then - since we have consensus on that proposal (AFAIK) + one real world implementation
#KevinMarksalso doing leading/trailing space stripping on name now
#KevinMarkswhich does help, but i think collapsing space runs within woudl also be good
#KevinMarkshm, the various ways of hiding properties in geo are going to be more work
#tantek"think … would also be good" is not the way to reason about it at this point - because it's easy to come up with such arguments either way
#tantekgeo itself is likely unnecessary now that we flattened its properties out
#tantek"hiding properties in geo" is not a use-case - it's plumbing, a means to an ends for an actual use-case. so ask yourself, what is that actual use-case, and (re)start from there
#tantekI'm saying rather than using test case oddness to suggest spec changes, you should question the test case in the first place
#tantekunless the test case cites a real world example
#tantekok I've got microformats2-parsing open in an editable state (as well as -issues and -brainstorming) - going offline for a while to see if I can make all edits for the issues/brainstorming that have consensus and 1+ real world implementation
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing (+0) "move now at-risk alternates part of algorithm to end to keep rels and rel-urls creating together per feedback from KevinMarks. change helps clarity without changing functionality" (view diff)
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KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
#tantek!tell KevinMarks, kylewm ok I think I've incorporated all the resolved microformats2-parsing issues/brainstorms that you guys have implemented in at least one parser. Now need your implementation attempts at items "Status: resolved" here at top of http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues
#KevinMarks_We do parse link in mf2py - currently we are ending up with an empty text in rel-urls. Should that be omitted?
#LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message 12 minutes ago: ok I think I've incorporated all the resolved microformats2-parsing issues/brainstorms that you guys have implemented in at least one parser. Now need your implementation attempts at items "Status: resolved" here at top of http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues
#KevinMarkswell that makes a load of changes unnecessary
#KevinMarksnote to self: check tests are failing for the reason you think they are before changing lots of code
#KevinMarksI did a pull request mainly to get the travis tests run
KevinMarks__, iwaim and rhiaro joined the channel
#KevinMarksand the travis tests fail because we don't pass all the core microformats tests yet.
#KevinMarksI'm going to have to do a branch, aren't I
benborges joined the channel
#kylewmKevinMarks: the way I approached it was to put --exclude in the .travis.yml config
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 19 minutes ago: ok I think I've incorporated all the resolved microformats2-parsing issues/brainstorms that you guys have implemented in at least one parser. Now need your implementation attempts at items "Status: resolved" here at top of http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues
#kylewmcause IMO there's not much point in having travis run a bunch of tests we know will fail