#microformats 2015-06-17

2015-06-17 UTC
KevinMarks__, KevinMarks and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
fuzzyhorns and pgicxplzs joined the channel
!tell tantek,KevinMarks is there a reason the spec only makes urls absolute in the top half of this list? http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_a_u-_property
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I have a case where I want <data class="u-photo" value="relative url"> to be made absolute
eschnou and glennjones joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tantek, kez, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, Davidino, csarven, chiui, adactio and benborges joined the channel
I'm not sure many non-webby people know of, or use microformats? Still, I code them when I can. http://microformats.org
elf-pavlik and csarven joined the channel
We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #IoT #womeninbiz
RT @ProjectPeachUK: We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #Io…
Retweeted Project Peach (@ProjectPeachUK): We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our... https://www.facebook.com/SocialMediainBusinessBook/posts/848542278526607
wolfgang, pfefferle, Zegnat, pfefferle_, chiui, eschnou, TallTed and csarven joined the channel
RT @corenominal: I'm not sure many non-webby people know of, or use microformats? Still, I code them when I can. http://microformats.org
glennjones joined the channel
RT @corenominal: I'm not sure many non-webby people know of, or use microformats? Still, I code them when I can. http://microformats.org
wo7 and eschnou joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks, eschnou, elux, wo and wo7 joined the channel
/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER wo7 yybazskwgjrn
you probably did not mean to do that, wo7
hello, I am new and try to learn syntax
wo7, tantek and gRegorLove joined the channel
still don't know why IRC clients let you do that...common mistake, easily detectable
RT @corenominal: I'm not sure many non-webby people know of, or use microformats? Still, I code them when I can. http://microformats.org
Atamido_ joined the channel
^ cool to see the Crunchbang guy tweet about microformats!
kylewm: glad to see the FAQ answered your question!
tantek: kylewm left you a message 12 hours, 23 minutes ago: is there a reason the spec only makes urls absolute in the top half of this list? http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_a_u-_property
tantek: kylewm left you a message 2 hours, 5 minutes ago: nm I found the FAQ answer http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-faq#normalizing_u-.2A_property_values
KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek++ yeah! nice when that happens
tantek has 201 karma
I wonder if there is another way to achieve the same thing I am doing, but with url normalisation
basically to have a canonical url for an image, without actually linking to it
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks, eschnou and kez_ joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
Microformats, reviews and duplicate content - Let's say I have a site that sells widgets, and the URL structure is... http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/50921/microformats-reviews-and-duplicate-content
csarven, fuzzyhorns, KartikPrabhu, elf-pavlik, Atamido, tantek, warehouse13, netweb and KevinMarks joined the channel