#microformats 2015-06-22

2015-06-22 UTC
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
KevinMarks I would think Google music dedups, but I haven't seen it yet. Maybe it takes a little while?
fuzzyhorns, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
マイクロフォーマット / ä»–6コメント http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page#tw?u=yasuharu519 “Main Page - Microformats” http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks___, KartikPrabhu, bret, fuzzyhorns, tantek, gRegorLove and kez joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, pfefferle, pfefferle_, KevinMarks__, Zegnat, tantek, chiui, KevinMarks, eschnou, KevinMarks_, adactio, reidab, ben_thatmustbeme, bret, benborges, csarven and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
pfefferle, eschenal and TallTed joined the channel
En kort længde - en lang omkreds - et areal der siger ding dong - iD editor har fÃ¥et indlagt mÃ¥leværktøj http://www.microformats.dk/2015/06/22/laengder-omkredse-og-arealer-vaerktoj-er-kommet-til-id-redigeringsvaerktojet/ #osm
csarven_, KevinMarks_, tantek, KevinMarks, csarven, KartikPrabhu, eschenal and chiui joined the channel
DanC__: I saw it dedupe on upload if you use the mac app to do it - also, Andrew uplaoded a huge number of tracks, then downlaoded to his new mac, and the dupes vanished
were the dupes bit-for-bit dupes? or just songs with the same artist name and song name?
tantek: csarven left you a message 1 day, 6 hours ago: Can you please update the wiki http://microformats.org/wiki/admin-to-do#Password_reset_page_problems with this text "unfortunately due to weird db config maintenance/admin nonsense - for some reason the pw change/reset scripts aren't working" ?
tantek: csarven left you a message 1 day, 6 hours ago: wiki/h-event should have a note for parsing when encountering class=vcalendar, i.e., it should know what its equivalent/implied context is, and if it is absent (i.e., no vcalendar or equivalent e.g., h-calendar) it should know that the whole doc is an h-calendar. If this was discussed already on IRC or somewhere else in the wiki, please kindly give a pointer to it on the wiki.
tantek: csarven left you a message 1 day, 6 hours ago: Without vcalendar/h-calendar there is no clear way to group a set of events in the same calendar.
tantek: csarven left you a message 1 day, 5 hours ago: Hence, it is not backwards compatible.
tantek: csarven left you a message 1 day, 5 hours ago: See also Note 2 at http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar#XYZ_Project_Review
it distinguished remixes etc
not sure if it's doing musicbrainz style analysis
!tell csarven not sure how "weird db" note is helpful to capture, that was just FYI for you.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell csarven what real world vcalendar use-cases are you trying to solve?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell csarven what real world site are you having backward compatible problems with? URL?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell csarven re: Note 2 at http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar#XYZ_Project_Review - in practice consumers of hCalendar would just treat a whole page as a calendar (e.g. H2VX), thus it hasn't needed any guidance, thus nothing to add to h-event. Do you have a URL to a counter-example?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gRegorLove, KevinMarks__, csarven_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek I'm specifically referring to 'Authors may explicitly use elements with class="vcalendar" to wrap sets of vevents that all belong to the same calendar, e.g. when publishing multiple calendars on the same page.'.
csarven: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 52 minutes ago: not sure how "weird db" note is helpful to capture, that was just FYI for you.
csarven: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 52 minutes ago: what real world vcalendar use-cases are you trying to solve?
csarven: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 52 minutes ago: what real world site are you having backward compatible problems with? URL?
csarven: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 51 minutes ago: re: Note 2 at http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar#XYZ_Project_Review - in practice consumers of hCalendar would just treat a whole page as a calendar (e.g. H2VX), thus it hasn't needed any guidance, thus nothing to add to h-event. Do you have a URL to a counter-example?
I knew about multiple vcalendars being "allowed" because I have implemented that on my own CV/hResume. A Resume/CV is a common place where this can occur. A simple example is: a calendar of work experiences is different than the calendar of educational experience. This is not a hypothetical scenario I came up with. Like I said, this was "allowed" as I've tested countless times in the past...
...(pre mf2 stuff). I have no problems with omitting vcalendar and the doc with h-events implying that it is a single vcalendar there.
Again, it was possible in mf1, and not in mf2. To me that's not backwards compatible.
tantek tommorris And re: getting access to mf/wiki, well I don't have an urgent need to access it. If you/admins want me to contribute, help me out, please. How complicated can it be to assign me a new password? (e.g., change your password to a temporary one, give my user the same hash or whatever. change your password back to something else. I log in with the temporary password and change...
...my own password. no emails. problem solved)
.. if you have time.
Zegnat joined the channel
has updated the local copy of his Microformats Cheatsheet to correct hAtom discrepancies - will upload PDF later
"will upload PDF later"
KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks joined the channel
this is hilarious
fuzzyhorns, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__ and KevinMarks joined the channel