#microformats 2015-06-24

2015-06-24 UTC
fuzzyhorns, tantek and hober joined the channel
Is there any real a11y advantage to using microformats such as rel=home or rel=help?
RT @MikeRiethmuller: Is there any real a11y advantage to using microformats such as rel=home or rel=help?
gRegorLove, tantek, kez, pfefferle, csarven, eschnou, Left_Turn, ChiefRA, chiui, tantek__, adactio, fuzzyhorns and TallTed joined the channel
A4:Hidden benefit of pioneering RDFa/Microformats is that you will be easily syndicated by sophisticated entities like Google #semrushchat
RT @SEOcial: A4:Hidden benefit of pioneering RDFa/Microformats is that you will be easily syndicated by sophisticated entities like Google …
#SEMrushchat @semrush Peopel also forget that structured data existed before microformats/microdata. Basic HTML has contextual tags like <p>
tantek joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
chiui, tantek, dariusdunlap, bbagins, csarven, KartikPrabhu, csarven_ and fuzzyhor_ joined the channel