#aaronpkso the question i had was why are the prefixes listed under the vocabularies?
#aaronpke.g. http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#h-adr h-adr lists "p-locality" as one of the properties, but in reality, the parsed result shows just "locality" and can have a value there by one of many different prefixes
#rhiaroI think that having prefixes listed under the vocabularies is confusing for people who haven't realised they're for parsers, and it looks like they're constraints on how terms should be used
#rhiaroI also think listing properties under h-*s - whilst I understand they're a guide to which make properties in which contexts - is also confusing as it implies constraints that aren't there
#aaronpkwell for the h-adr vocabulary, there is a fixed list of properties that are acceptable
#rhiaroThere are some cases where only certain properties actually make sense, sure
#rhiaroBut there's no technical reason that if someone wanted to mix it up they couldn't do that
#aaronpkit's the parsing vs vocab issue. the parser doesn't care about the vocab
#Loqiaaronpk meant to say: but the point of h-adr or h-entry is to define vocab
#aaronpkin which case you want to see a fixed set of properties
#rhiaroOne of the things I noted about mf2 was that it doesn't over constrain like many RDF vocabs do - I wouldn't want to presume how people are going to want to use terms in the future
#rhiaroBut if those lists *are* constraints, that definitely needs to be made clearer anyway
#aaronpki guess the lists are meant to be constraints as much as you can constrain what people do on their websites
#rhiaroAnd, what's the point of of the constraints anyway?
#aaronpkthe point is so consumers have a known set of properties to look at
#rhiaroWith RDF, such constraints allow you to infer further information that's not explicit. But nobody is expecting that with micformats.
#aaronpksure you can put a "p-fiddlydits" property on an h-entry, but that's not going to mean anything to a consumer so they'll just ignore it
#rhiaroWell, exactly. Consumers are going to look for terms they are interested in anyway
#aaronpkright, so that's the point of the list of properties
#rhiaroSo it's like guidence - this is what consumers probably want, so this is what you should probably provide
#KevinMarksthe point it to converge vocabulary based on what is being published and consumed
#rhiaroand if you wanted a url as text but not a link on the page, you could use p-url and get the same result
#KevinMarkshcard and hcalendar we cheats to an extent as they were bootsrapped from existing structrues
#aaronpkKevinMarks: my point is the parser prefixes don't appear in the parsed result, so they aren't part of the vocabulary, they are just publishing guidelines
#aaronpksimilarly, the "in-reply-to" property is expected to be a URL, and if it's actually an h-cite object, the value can be found in in-reply-to.value
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#rhiarostarting to sound like domains and ranges being specified
#KevinMarksit's when you get into 'must be an integer between 1 and 12' that it gets annoying and people start writing validation parsers
#rhiaroSure. You're probably going to get people saying you're reinventing rdf whilst pretending not to be rdf, that's all.
#KevinMarksbut RDF is such a flexible representation format, I'm sure they can parse microformats into it usefully
#KevinMarksmust practice saying that with a straight face
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#kylewm!tell glennjones when you have a chance I'd love if you could review this PR https://github.com/glennjones/microformats-testrunner/pull/2 ... There's an Apache project that's apparenntly interested in using mf2j, I'd love them to be fully informed about how ready/no ready it is for production :)