2015-08-02 UTC
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks__, KevinMarks, fuzzyhorns and gRegorLove joined the channel
KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu and Left_Turn joined the channel
# 07:40 iSRAELiT KartikPrabhu thanks man but just wanted to say hi to him
# 07:40 iSRAELiT wasn`t here for some time
# 07:41 iSRAELiT and to raise questions in regards of why google ain`t accepting MF2
KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 08:19 iSRAELiT yeah but it did support MF1
elf-pavlik, chiui, eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 09:49 ePirat KartikPrabhu, I have to admit that the shema.org Shemas section is much easier to read than the microformats references
# 10:00 ePirat btw shouldn't all properies be in a definition list?
# 10:02 ePirat that would additionally make it possible to format that more nicely and make it much easier to read
# 10:07 ePirat Zegnat, you are right, but what I meant was more in terms of readability.
# 10:16 iSRAELiT schema.org is hard to understand for most parts
# 10:16 iSRAELiT its easy to read yes, but not all values has an extended details
# 10:16 iSRAELiT and many don`t even have examples so you don`t know how to use
# 10:16 iSRAELiT the usage of "class" is MUCH easier than itemscope itemtype
# 10:17 ePirat I wasn't saying that it's better than microformats2
# 10:17 iSRAELiT i personally prefer MF1, MF2 is harder :(
# 10:19 ePirat I wonder if it's possible to use mf2 and microdata together or will it make any problems for mf2 parsers?
# 10:25 Zegnat There is no reason why you can’t use them together.
# 10:25 Zegnat mf3 parsers will look at classnames and really do not care about other HTML attributes
# 10:25 Zegnat iSRAELiT, why do you feel mf2 is harder than mf1?
eschnou joined the channel
# 10:49 iSRAELiT <Zegnat> iSRAELiT, why do you feel mf2 is harder than mf1?
# 10:49 iSRAELiT i don`t know, all of these - inbetween
# 10:50 iSRAELiT i didn`t really look into it because google won`t read them but from the little I tried it just seem a bit harder
# 11:03 Zegnat The *- prefixes are actually just that, prefixes. They tell a parser how the data should be handled (URL? String data? etc). So you can easily come up with your own uses or own names because of them
eschnou joined the channel
# 11:21 ben_thatmustbeme the first time i encountered mf1, i saw class="fn" and thought "thats a terrible class name, i have no idea what that is"
KartikPrabhu and eschnou joined the channel
# 12:17 iSRAELiT ben_thatmustbeme what you wsay indeed make sense, but, I couldn`t figure easily how to use it
# 12:18 iSRAELiT i might needed more time
eschnou, chiui, Left_Turn, fuzzyhorns, gRegorLove, atehwa, gRegorLove_, rhiaro and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
fuzzyhorns joined the channel